Published:19 Nov, 2020



Nowadays shopping for web hosting services is difficult when you don’t really know what you are looking for. With a plethora of hosting companies claiming to offer you ‘premium services’, it is impossible for most beginners to determine which one of them is offering value for their sites. Despite the charm and appeal, some hosting companies end up disappointing. All they really offer is frustration and dissatisfaction.

The majority of hosting providers are regularly interested in telling you what a good hosting plan looks like rather than offering you one. The entire ‘first-class experience’ blabbering is just commercial perjure. Never get flattered with words or tempted by the price tag. You are not there for a therapy session or a blind date. To duck the risk of running a red robot, consider the following factors we have compiled for you before settling for your choice.

Reliability and Uptime Scores.

Choosing a web provider with unreliable servers will prove detrimental to your business. A perfect plan should ascertain that all your sites are up and running 24/7. Want you to desire is to see if your websites are provided with the perfect residence. Always make sure that you receive uptime guarantees. The absolute minimum should be 99.5%. Don’t entertain a lot of excuses and apologies. If your hosting company is failing to deliver standard services, you have to consider looking for a better hosting provider that can guarantee satisfaction.

Assess the strength and weaknesses of your hosting provider. Although you might not be demanding perfection, you must be convinced that the hosting provider stands out from the rest. There is a definite need to inquire more about the hosting companies of your choice. Whether they are established or growing in any aspect, you need to be well informed about how these companies operate. Don’t hesitate to ask questions pertaining to services and other features on offer. Good hosting companies always exhibit a willingness to indulge and assist you with the necessary information.


All established web host always guarantee that certain features are readily accessible for their clients. Nonetheless, not every hosting provider is capable of meeting your criteria. Different hosting providers have areas of strength and weakness. So, besides merely checking for the amount of disk space and bandwidth, make sure that other features and services such as unlimited hosting, user-friend web building tool, money-back guarantees, and other bonus feature are made available. Although it is difficult to determine at first impression, you can get an idea from the ratings they get on social media platforms.

Customer services

Are they capable of looking after my sites? This is a very important question to ask yourself before you commit to any hosting provider. Exceptional web hosting companies are highly reputed for their prompt response to offer in-house support and address technical issues. Live chats, social media visibility, and regular updates are some of the indicators that can help you identify if that hosting provider is outstanding. To get comprehensive support you need to prioritize hosting providers with in-house support as opposed to out-sourced technicians.


Not all reliable and outstanding hosting providers are there to satiate an immoderate desire for profit. Settling for inexperienced or incompetent hosting companies for their pleasingly low-cost charges is a gigantic gaffe. Their inferiority will most likely affect your sites and business from taking strides.

It is definitely inevitable that, sooner or later, your website’s traffic will increase. Before this happens, account for factors such as the scalability of the web-host. Most cheap web host often fail to offer you with the flexibility necessary to upgrade your subscription from shared hosting to VPS hosting, and ultimately provide the more comprehensive dedicated hosting plan.

Whether you opt to shop for the basic shared hosting plan or find yourself ready to settle for the more advanced dedicated hosting plan, do not compromise on your standards. Take time to search for a reliable and affordable host for your sites. They are a lot of exceptional hosting providers such as Zimhero that ordinarily offer registration and maintenance cost at reasonably priced charges.

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